Altosa Wines Tomelloso

C/ Ávila, 4
13700 Tomelloso (Ciudad Real)

 +34 926 51 14 04


Communication to suppliers

ALTOSA is currently certified under the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.

The organization must communicate to external providers its requirements to:

1.-  Processes, products, and services to be provided; Orders

2.- The approval of:

a) products and services

b) methods, processes, and equipment

c) the release of products and services

3.- The competence, including any qualification required of the people.

4.- The interactions of the external provider with the organization.

5.- The control and monitoring of the performance of the external provider to be applied by the organization.

6.- The verification or validation activities that the organization, or its client, intends to conduct at the external provider’s facilities.

We hereby communicate to you:

  • Product or service approval requirements: methods, processes and equipment and the release of products or services. The approval of the products or services acquired by ALTOSA will be carried out after checking compliance with the requirements established in the order or supply request, such as: qualitative and quantitative requirements and others that ALTOSA deems appropriate in each case, such as: packaging status, product expiration dates, documentation associated with the product or service, compliance with the technical skills of the service provider staff, among others, as applicable.
  • Supplier interactions: any query, incident or circumstance related to the supply must be communicated to ALTOSA, preferably by email or by telephone, to the person who made the supply request.
  • Performance evaluation: ALTOSA conducts the periodic evaluation of its performance as a supplier, considering the non-compliances that may be detected on the established requirements and will additionally consider other aspects that ALTOSA deems appropriate in each case.
  • Verification or validation at the supplier’s facilities: ALTOSA reserves the right to conduct the verification or validation activities of the supplied product at the supplier’s facilities. The realization of these activities will be communicated well in advance.